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Say Hello

To creative engineering that might be magic


I'm Zachary. I was born in Santa Barbara and grew up on the beaches of Southern California. As a kid, when I wasn't getting wet and sandy, I was taking apart computers, building robots and learning Linux. 

Santa Barbara was the perfect place for me to take a deeper dive into engineering before working with robotics in Osaka, studying industrial design in Milan and Technology Entrepreneurship & Product in the Bay area. These formative pillars of my education still shape the projects I work and invest in. Find technology worth getting excited about, build something that the humans around you love, position it to thrive in an open market and that's when you change the world. 

My interests have not changed so much since I was a kid, only the stakes have gotten higher. You'll now find me diving with sharks, riding motorcycles, working on robots that carry humans at highway speeds, and throwing myself into ambitious tech startups that bring dreams into reality. 

Talk to Me About

The Ocean

It's the source of the best foods, the most fun activities, and some very intelligent/mysterious life forms. Whether you want to talk about planning a dive trip, or a moonshot project to extract plastic and revive coral reefs, oceans are always a topic of interest



No explanation needed.


Non Fungible Tokens

A fad or here to stay? No matter, its thrilling to see industries with decades or centuries of tradition forced to think about patronage in a new way. How far will the implications of this be felt outside of the art world?



Everyone's hot topic lately..  though it finally feels like we have hit the inflection point where the tidal wave of new industries is just offshore. Currently investigating a new venture in this space. 



A study found that if 10% of car drivers switched to traffic filtering 2-wheelers overall vehicular congestion would be reduced by 40% . Could motorcycles ever hit that level of mainstream? Who knows, but they sure put a smile on my face.



Some of the biggest and most advanced robotics projects of today (read: autonomous cars) don't look like robots. Others , like my beloved battlebots, would be outcast by the academic neckbeards as  not being robots at all. What makes a robot a robot and what makes a robot... interesting? 



I'm a certified personal trainer, launched a venture backed fitness tech company, and was training for a mens classic bodybuilding competition before covid.  Will be looking for a lifting buddy in the Miami area this fall! 

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I've been privileged to have the opportunity to take on international work, research and motorcycle rides in Japan, Italy, Korea, China and Hong Kong. Able to converse respectfully in Japanese, and swear loudly in Italian. 

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